April 8, 2015

A Change in Plans

Subbing last year was quite an education.  I enjoyed it most days.  There are advantages and disadvantages though to subbing.


  • You can take some days off whenever you choose
  • You see a variety of ages and a variety of teachers' classrooms
  • You don't have to plan or take work home 
  • Unless you are able to pre-arrange your days with a teacher, you won't know where you are going to be until early morning
  • There may or may not be adequate lesson plans 
  • The pay is not so great

In all I believe it was a good experience for me, but I will not be returning to sub again next year.

Why, you ask? 

I accepted a position teaching middle school students at a private school this year.  
I am excited and somewhat overwhelmed. 

What are you doing this year?