January 16, 2010

Building a Relationship

I have a new student that has been with me less than two weeks and we are still in the stage of getting to know each other.  We are building a relationship so that he will trust me and know that I have his best interests at heart.  In turn, I want to know that he will give his best effort for me when I ask him to do something that may or may not be difficult for him.

This past week I was wearing a necklace that had a cross on it.  My new friend came up to me and asked me if I were a Christian.   I told him that I was and watched his face to see if he had any other questions.  He stayed near me with a pondering look on his face.  So, I asked him if he was one.  He replied, " I dunno.  Sometimes. " 

Another piece of the puzzle to help me know him.  Do I know what it means?  Not really.  But it is a piece that will help me understand him and reach him. 

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